Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 
Date Effective: 6th April 2024 
Employees will have the right to request flexible working from day 1 of employment. 
Employees will also be able to make 2 requests in any 12 months, up from 1. 
Employees will no longer have to explain the effect of the change requested, as they do currently, and employers will have to decide on a request within 2 months (rather than the current 3). 
The changes are aimed at making flexible working more accessible for employees, though the reasons why an employer can lawfully refuse a request remain unchanged. 
Update your Flexible Working Policy to reflect these changes and communicate them to your managers and employees.  
Ensure your managers fully understand the importance of managing a flexible working request within your policy guidelines. of managing a flexible working request within your policy guidelines. 
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