Hiring the Right People
Posted on 9th May 2024 at 08:00
First a quick reminder on the market and the context in which we are all working.
New research from ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) highlights the pressing challenges and strategic innovation opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The study, SMEs: Business challenges and strategic innovation opportunities, reveals three main challenges: escalating costs, workforce and talent management, and the evolving ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting agenda.
What has recruitment got to do with any of that?
Actually quite a lot:
Cost of labour. Salary benchmarking and reward. Deciding what to pay before hiring.
Skills gaps. Being unable to find candidates to develop and retain. Setting new hires up to hit the ground running quickly. Providing feedback in probation reviews.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is a key part of HR/recruitment processes. Reporting on ESG is already mandatory for large companies
So: fair, robust, well run hiring processes, well benchmarked salaries, and considering all the options before you hire, can ease some of the pressure we are all facing. We need to aim for remarkable, not good enough in hiring – and I’m not just talking about the people you want. We need to up our game in hiring, in onboarding, and in supporting our new people to shine.
Humber HR People offer a sustainable approach to recruitment and onboarding. To get the best candidates organisations must respond quickly and communicate clearly with prospective employees. This needs dedicated resource every day, whether this is dealing with your own adverts or working with recruitment agencies. Once hired a thorough onboarding process, will ensure the candidate will have the best possible chance of success. Without this, all the time and money you spend on hiring is wasted.
The measure of good recruitment and onboarding is hiring the right people, who pass probation easily, and perform in the job role. If that isn’t happening for your organisation, we can help.
We know what good recruitment and onboarding looks like and we have the experience to help review and recommend new ways and fresh ideas of where you can go to find the people you need. We can also train your managers to ensure these good habits are embedded. And because we don’t charge fees, costs are lower, too.
But don’t just take our word for it.
Read more about the recruitment and onboarding projects we have successfully delivered by clicking here:
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